A successful advisory program is an essential component of an outstanding middle school. Research indicates that every young adolescent should have at least one adult in school to act as the student's advocate. This is the basis for facilitating a middle-school advisory program. These programs are designed to help establish a strong support system in which students flourish academically, socially, and emotionally. Here is a link to an article from The Association for Middle Level Education which describes the importance of fostering strong connections through Advisory.
South Middle School is excited to be able to continue our advisory program during the 2024/25 school year. Advisory meets twice monthly during extended homeroom on Fridays from 8:20-8:42. During Advisory, small group discussions, themed activities, and school-wide lessons will be facilitated, all with the goal of fostering school connection and creating a safe and comfortable school environment for all students.
We have a large, enthusiastic, and dedicated group of advisors who have volunteered to support your children socially, emotionally, and academically. We are looking forward to facilitating another year of our advisory program for the benefit of our students.
Ryan Nadherny
Assistant Principal