The importance of the music programs within the halls of Great Neck South Middle School cannot be overstated. Music, along side of art, drama and dance, gives young people the chance to express themselves creatively in a fun, non-pressurized environment. Whether the class be Chorus, Band, Orchestra or General Music, students are enriched with a variety of global music from a span of several millennia.
Our faculty’s philosophy, however, delves a bit deeper. Music, within the framework of our school day, must also somehow correspond with the daily lives of our sixth, seventh and eighth graders. It is therefore, our greatest aspiration to bring awareness to all students that music is connected to all disciplines of life. Performing students will be made aware that practicing a piece of music is the same idea as studying for a test or researching for a report. Students are taught that long term goals (the concerts) hinge upon the success of short term goals (daily practice). Students will be taught not to fear failure, but to confront it and conquer it. One hundred percent of our students who go on to the workforce will eventually work in a team and deal cooperatively with others. Each Chorus, Band and Orchestra class reinforces that concept without exception every day of the year.
Through a variety of multimedia, including hands-on creation on synthesizers and computers, our General Music students in the sixth and seventh grade will be taught tolerance for all periods of music throughout history. They will be made aware that although shoes, clothing, accents, language, hairstyles, trends and cultures change over periods of time, people themselves rarely change throughout history. People continue to have the same basic needs as they have had for centuries. Music is history’s watermark for the changes in culture and trends, and our students are taught to embrace those changes.